Thursday, November 08, 2007

Stephanie & Tripp, Wedding, October 6, 2007

This was really a special Grandview wedding in that we were able photograph at Rock City.

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An absolutely gorgeous day, and a very willing couple to photograph resulted in some stunning views.

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We had plenty of time before the ceremony to seek out some of the special places available at the Grandview.

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And the patio area is really beautiful.

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Congratulations to this beautiful couple on a very beautiful day as they were united in a beautiful ceremony.



Anonymous said...

Hi, Mrs. Power!

(Wow! What beautiful work you do!)

The other Power's baby shower is tomorrow, and (although it might be too late), I was going to see if you could email to me a baby picture of John. Thought it might be fun as decoration. I can't find your email address, but mine is or you can use my UofL one, if you still have it. Thank you so much!

Hope that you are all doing well. John and Liz love you dearly.


Diana Simpson said...

WOW WOW WOW is all i can say those are beautiful!!!!!!dd