Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Heather and Carl Scott, Wedding, August 12, 2006

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Heather Wilson, as you can see, is a stunningly beautiful, young lady.

The wedding was held at the Grandview and everyone was praying that the rain would hold off for the outdoor ceremony. And it did!

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Carl had not seen his bride before the ceremony so seeing her in this beautiful wedding dress for the first time was priceless.

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Heather and Carl we pray God's very best for you and your marriage. Thank you for allowing us to be there and photograph an exciting, blessed day.

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This slideshow helps tell the story.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Kati Howell, GPS Senior, August 23, 2006

Kati, you are such a blast to be around. Did you enjoy your senior pictures as much as we did?

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We hope your senior year will be everything you imagined, but, man, it sounds like you are busy. Yes, we have to ask, "what do you do with all your spare time?"

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Hello to your parents, Tom and Pamper Crangle (Liz photographed their wedding, remember?). Sorry we kept you out later than planned but it was fun hanging out at the Coldstone Creamery.

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Best wishes to you, Kati. Hello to Tyler and God's blessing to you all. Here are some of our favorites of a very beautiful, young lady.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Philip Cook Family, August 19, 2006

It was a pleasant surprise to get Joanna's phone call and a privilege for us to photograph the wonderful Cook family. We have loved the Cook family for many years and both of our families have spent some quality time together.

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All four of our kids took piano lessons from Joanna, who conveniently lived next door to us. Sadly for us, the Cooks moved. They invited us to come photograph the family at their beautiful new home in East Brainerd where we caught up with the news of Josh, Anna, and Jon.

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Hope everyone enjoys the pictures from today. Click here for the slideshow. It was sure good to see you all!

Jenna Randolph, One-Year-Old, June 13, 2006

No doubt Jenna turning 1-year-old is a huge event for Mom and Dad, Elise and Mark Randolph.

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Jenna, you are a doll and we love being your photographers. You are such a sweetheart and your expressions are priceless.

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Many thanks to Mimi, Mary Buttram, for the huge flowers.

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Anyone recognize those white socks? Just teasing, Mark. Thanks to the Randolph and Buttram families for trusting us to capture these precious moments in your lives.

Click here to view your slideshow.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Donna and Nick, Engagement, August 17, 2006

Friends at church introduced Donna and Nick but it took a little time for the Atlanta gal to go out with the "Jersey" guy. Nick is so excited about his bride to be and they both enjoyed the engagement photo session.

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We, too, enjoyed our time with them and they really made it easy to catch some romantic moments.

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Downtown Chattanooga has so many neat places and this outdoor scene was taken at The Pickle Barrel Restaurant.

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Anyway, the wedding is set for September 2, 2006 at City Church of Chattanooga and I know the plans are coming together for this exciting couple.

Here is your slideshow.

The Littles at Play: Jake, Caleb, and Katelin - Brothers and Sister, August 14, 2006

Cindy Little, Jake, Caleb, and Katelin's Mom, first introduced us to these three in 2004 when they came to the studio for a special session for Halloween. Jake was Captain Hook, Caleb was Peter Pan, and Katelin (yep, you guessed it) was Tinkerbell. We fell in love with this family then and have had lots of fun taking their pictures over the past two years. The following is an album Liz designed from a really fun time at the Red Bank playground.

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Here is a slideshow of a really, really fun time.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Amrah and Casey, Engagement, August 7, 2006

Amrah and Casey met up about three minutes before meeting us at Reflection Riding at the foot of Lookout Mountain. It had been a busy day for Casey who had just driven in from Atlanta.

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The Nature Center is normally a great place to photograph but today was an exception since the pond had been drained. So we headed downtown to where the water was flowing.

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Amrah's folks are our good friends, Chuck and Denise Grant. We hope you all enjoy the slideshow and the pictures of this fun time together.

Lynsi and Dan Hatef, Wedding, July 29, 2006

Dr. Dan Hatef, walked along the hospital corridor at Erlanger where he was doing his residency. He turned a corner and saw Lynsi Matthews for the first time. Lynsi looked up from her duties as an intern nutritionist, and saw Dan looking at her. They both say it was love at first sight, but both had been praying that the Lord would bring the right person into their lives. No doubt there was a lot of love in South Pittsburg when these wonderful, incredible young people exchanged their wedding vows.

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Lynsi and Dan held their reception high atop Pigeon Mountain at the beautiful home of Lynsi's Aunt and Uncle, Landon and Amy Pickett.

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It was a beautful evening and, Dan and Lynsi, we wish you the very best. Here are some of our favorite pictures from your wedding day.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Katie and Thomas Wood, Wedding, July 15, 2006

We love the Hamrick family and have known Katie for a long time.

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Her bridesmaids included some of the best softball talent from Chattanooga.

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Tyler, Katie's brother, is a United States Marine. Semper Fi!

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Katie and her bridesmaids had a few moments before the ceremony to ask God's blessing and we too wish you all the best that God offers.

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Here are some of Liz's favorites from your wedding.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Christina and Mark, Engagement, August 8, 2006

We feel like we have been exceptionally blessed with the couples who choose to have us photograph their weddings. Christina and Mark are so likeable and Liz really enjoyed the "early" session.

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Liz met them early in the morning and found some new places to photograph.

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October 28, 2006 is the wedding date set for this incredible couple from Atlanta. We are looking forward to their wedding at the Grandview, one of our favorite places.

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Click here to see your slideshow.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Allison and Drew, Engagement, August 6, 2006

Allison Bass and Drew Mayne had a big day Sunday having traveled late at night from Tuscaloosa, AL to be in Chattanooga for wedding events and planning. We arranged to meet at what is becoming one of our favorite locations for engagement pictures, the new Chattanooga Pier. It was an overcast evening but still HOT. We perspired freely but got some really great shots of Allison and Drew. Congratulations to them, they are a great couple and we had a fun time.

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If you haven't visited the waterfall between the Market St. bridge and the new TN aquarium you are missing a lot of fun.

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Check out some more of our favorites by clicking here.

Beth & Cam Atchley, Wedding, May 6, 2006

Hey everybody! Beth and Cam Atchley are not actually clients of Liz Power Photography, but are my friends and "clients". I am Becca Rocha and I work for Liz and Terry, who are also my parents. They allowed me to use all their stuff so that Beth and Cam could have a blog post! (Thanks mom and dad!)

Beth and Cam, your wedding was beautiful and Keith and I both had so much fun being a part of it. You both looked amazing and are so incredibly photogenic. Here is your slideshow!

These are just some of my favorites:

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